NEW — imported from the Fashion Isles on Mercury — pressure release valves for your favorite mental machine — add-ready for your mind today — three focus, nine flexibility, minus two sensitivity — Terrans use it on Charon visits, no norm-friction at all — a must-have for the next decade, just trigger your passphrase — hey, takers already?



[Preparing Mind, merge .....]

[Resolving ...... 0 / 100]

[Merge complete! Preview below. Have a good sol.]





Many labels and classifications will attempt to push themselves on you — you can decide to maneuver along the fringes, just out of ideashot.

Placebos are always around the corner.

Disobeying the collective is servicing its evolution. Aim to be an anomaly, from both your and their beliefs

Inertia and systemic patterns are only as true as you believe — move your mind nimbly, deeply, and anytime your unreasonableness desires

Upcoming changes you'd like to make have always been a part of you.

Life can change unbelievably fast


It was just a decision?