Our chosen identities are being driven by capitalism to primarily channel our chosen conflicts, and these conflicts will characterize each culture's perception of its environment. Internet-native culture has leaned into the meaning of money painted by "everybody wants money, thats why it's called money." With this unprecedented self-awareness, the resulting multitudes of cultures will increasingly treat money as a capacitor for our pains, which will become the main subset of intercultural communication.

This trend begins with how this psycho-monetary approach, emphasizing the individual's experience, pairs with free market coordination. The result is a near-ideal fertilization for further exponentiation of identity groups. Our scarcity in emotional capacity and time grounds us, enabling ourselves to be wholly coordinated, labelled and joined by perceived pain. We will see a repeat of the revolving door of conflict and money, commonly criticized with military-industrial complexes, this time based in fighting on ideology and which experienced truth is inherently correct.

We can trace through Western history this increasingly emphasized individual experience and perceived violence: from Hammurabi's threat, through the Age of Enlightenment corralling the future into reductionism + observation + communication, and most recently American cultural hegemony. It began with a leap forward, relative to the rest of the world at the time, in individual rights, rebellion, and potential. Now, American culture's history of multicultural violence, with its resulting self-strengthening psychological truths, is the basis of the Internet's cultural economy.

The most prominent pains come from whichever scarcities are most perceived. The most universal one we encounter nowadays is physical space, where there are many obvious preexisting conflicts. A few interesting cases to paint the future, that blend physical scarcity with psychological scarcity:


In this photo we can see a primarily physical conflict, but partially ideological-conflict in terms of "responsibility" of the mailman and dog-owner roles in society. It's also worth noting that the mailman wasn't aware of what the shirt said until I asked him for a photo — this is also a case where an idea propagates through a culture of without individual self-awareness.



Above are two businesses primarily differentiated by targeting identities prominent in modern American culture, particularly those who deeply support ideas regarding how society should be organized

There is also increasingly perceived ideological scarcity of interpretation and representation given a practice, such as dancing, mask usage, and communications. The latter in particular emphasizes personal experience and knowledge. With some extrapolation, you can imagine that early considerations of currently-hot debates felt like this at the onset. Similar to these two examples, conflicts can begin with coincidences interpreted through a dimension of a preexisting conflict. These are the opportunities that culture realizes to propagate its ideas — much like how biological life coincidentally "realized" itself via self-replicating RNA coincidentally arising from chemicals propagating life of chemicals. [Other examples](https://twitter.com/onedollarsalad/status/1431254926513037317](https://twitter.com/onedollarsalad/status/1431254926513037317), though they contain the surprise of differing interpretations, lack the perceived desirability and scarcity to spark conflict, and thus are just plain humor.

expanding at all points

At the moment, the greatest perceived scarcity is our attention and self-agency. The Web 2.0 companies were the first businesses to leap forward using the Internet’s connectivity to grow by serving this scarcity, several of the most successful are in the process of opening additional arenas of conflict. "I need to work to pay off the car that I need drive to work" continues to apply, where the "work" eventually services the growth of increasingly abstract levels of culture, and the car includes all the methods of interacting with those abstractions.